Nadia Alfaro


From my point of view, each group makes a fantastic presentation, because each member puts their effort, dedication, work, and time. But it is also worth thanking each group leader, because they are the ones who have the hard work of coordinating, directing and, above all, ensuring that there is good communication in each group, which is not easy, so they deserve thanks. I can also say that it is not easy to present something nervously, but the good thing about these jobs is that they help us develop and prepare for future experiences, such as leading a meeting, making a public demonstration, giving a speech, etc. But the most important thing is to put interest in it, because when we like what we do we tend to investigate better and when we present that is reflected in our behavior when speaking and makes the audience enjoy it more. So shortly in the next paragraph I will share what was a great experience for me in my group presentation and I will share my point of view on the other presentations.

My experience presenting was very good, although I was a little nervous because I haven't spoken in public for a long time, and because sometimes I tend to be a little shy. But this has not been my first presentation since in the past I have already done others. In my country of origin (Nicaragua) it is quite common for students to make presentations, but we have referred to this as expositions, sometimes the teachers chose us to present a topic in general and with this replace the final exam, so these projects were equivalent to 40 points. The nervousness that we experienced was great because we were smaller, but so much so that once I had to work with a colleague who, out of fear of speaking in public, ran to the bathroom in the middle of the presentation. But well, going back to my current and most recent presentation, it was incredible because we were able to communicate well, and each member of our team did their part of the work, which by the way was excellent, and we added animations and videos to the slides to make them more entertaining. for the public, since it is very important to capture the attention of the audience so that they can better understand the subject they are observing. At first he told us to organize ourselves because we didn't know how to divide the slides since we wanted to make sure that each member of the group could participate, but thanks to our leader we were able to find the right way to organize ourselves, that's why I always think that presence is very important of a leader Also something that was important was being able to stay in communication, that's why the WhatsApp group helped us a lot since many of us sometimes have doubts that come to mind until later or sometimes while we are working, so being able to count on this communication tool was very useful. Apart from the great work that each one contributed as a member of the group was what led us to a good presentation, since it is very important that we all do our part so that a work can work, because then that is reflected while we are presenting the themes that everyone has. But well, all of this was something that helped us further the process of being able to develop good communication and a clear expression towards others, and that gives us the future support that we can achieve something incredible and that no matter how nervous we are at in the end, everything can turn out well if we make an effort.



About the other groups I can comment that they were great presentations, made with a good organization. I liked how they added their images and the colors they chose for their slides, as that made their presentation more attractive to the public. Also, something that I was able to observe was his good command of speaking, since I consider that having a great control in the tone of expression of words is very important to keep the audience attentive and awake to listen to the presentation, since if one sometimes does too soft a tone of voice can lose the audience's concentration on the subject. Something that was very good was the fact that each group had already had everything very well prepared about what they were going to say about each of their topics. All I can say is that each of the groups had excellent performances and I really have nothing bad to say, because each one did a great job and that clearly showed in the delivery of each of the projects. It also seems to me that we all had an incredible communication between our groups which was what led us to this great performance, but above all thank God that everything went well. I believe that all this new experience that we have acquired working in groups will continue to serve us for future presentations and will make it easier for us to complete each of these works, which is very good because it helps us to improve more and more. The best part of working in a group is that it is easier to do the work than if we did it one by one, plus another advantage is that if we have a question or if we need help about something that we do not fully understand, there is always someone who can help us. to help. But to conclude, I must congratulate each team because all this made me aware of how important the contribution that each one makes to the project is, since this results in excellent work that is pleasant not only for the group itself but also for the public, since it makes it easier for others to better learn the topic that is being explained in each presentation.



  1. Nadia thank yoou so much for sharing your past experiences in your country. That must have been scary to have team mates run out of the room. I try to set a calm example in my room; it doesn't always work. Good job! Nice reflection!


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