Sarah Brodsky


Since starting MDC online, I have not been doing many oral presentations which made it interesting to have an assignment where I had to present
the information rather than simply submitting it. It found it engaging to view a presentations created by my peers. It allowed me to learn and get to know my new
classmates. While following along to my classmates presentations, I enjoyed seeing how they presented the coursework
from the textbook  and presented in their own ways with their slides and visuals. It was interesting to see how team member worked together to create their presentations as a whole. Also having done the same project, I had further respect for my peers in the other groups because I knew the time and effort that they put in to their project. 
For my groups presentation, I felt nervous before presenting. However afterwards I felt proud that I was able to speak well and present the work I had.  Group projects can be a little scary add some points as they are usually peers at you don’t know well, or at all. Personally, I had to step outside of my comfort zone to be sure to ask my peers questions. I wanted to be able to create work that would help us all get a good grade. Maintaining communication between the group with our group chat helped me be a better part of the group. Knowing that my team members relied on me also fueled my work ethic while doing this project. I knew that if I didn't  put in the work, it would reflect badly on the whole group. My group members were all kind and helpful, and we ended up working together well. We created a great concise presentation that had a nice layout. Establishing a group leader helped the project move forward and organize everybody in the beginning stages of our project. I’m proud of our whole group for doing such a great presentation that we all had a part in from start to finish. The fact that the textbook pages that we presented about also had to do with the theme of group leadership and problem solving really helped me be a better group member.
This presentation came as a challenge, yet I ended up enjoying learning about teamwork and presenting! I’m excited to continue working in groups and presenting further.


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