Sherlley Francois


Sherlley Francois

I really enjoyed the presentations. I think presentation is one of the best ways to learn, it is a learning experience for me as a participant to learn from the presenters and other participants. Moreover, I gain knowledge about new topics and encounter different perspectives. As a presenter, I share my knowledge and experiences with others. It is also a great challenge for me to give a presentation in front of a group of people, which I find rewarding. This is a wonderful way to improve my public speaking skills. The presentations were divided into three groups, The first presentation group presented on intercultural communication. It was an interesting presentation; I learned a lot about it. The concept of intercultural communication is a form of intercommunication that takes place between two people from different cultures who are so different that it may appear impossible for them to communicate with each other. The purpose of this chapter focuses on the relationship between culture and communication from a cultural point of view. The way we perceive the world as well as how we communicate is profoundly impacted by culture. The concept of culture has been conceived, culture is a group of shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and norms that describe what people are expected to do by various social groups. Similarly, communication serves as a vehicle for the transmitting and changing of culture. For example, in western cultures, a bride's wedding dress will usually be white since it is a symbol of purity. In Eastern cultures, brides often choose to wear red wedding dresses on their wedding day as a sign of good luck. All these rituals that we practice when we married are based on culture, and they are conveyed from one generation to the next by means of communication.

The second presentation group covered Communicating in groups. This presentation was informative and entertaining. I learned quite a bit about how to be a successful member of a group, as well as how to communicate effectively within a group. Because all groups, despite their differences in structure, are reliant on effective communication. I believe communication in groups is necessary for everyone to understand what is being done and be on the same page, It is equally important for me to hear from others in the group to fully understand their perspectives. Even though we may disagree on occasion, I think it is important to make sure that we remain respectful of each other's opinions. Furthermore, I believe that everyone should have a chance to speak and be heard. During this presentation, I also learned about different types of groups, such as family groups, social groups, support groups, interest groups, service groups, work groups and teams, virtual groups, and medicated communication and virtual group. There are a lot of formal and informal groups in which I participate. The norms of a group are very important to all its members. These norms specify how people communicate and interact with each other, and they consist of formal and informal rules. By adhering to these rules, members can figure out what their responsibilities are. I believe that it is well worth your time to learn about some characteristics of healthy groups A healthy group is composed of people who share a common objective. If one or two group members' actions may lead a group to deviate from its purpose or fail to accomplish its objectives. The actions of one or two members of a group may affect the whole group. Additionally, Healthy groups have a cohesive dynamic. Individual members of groups with high levels of cohesiveness are more likely to be satisfied with t themselves and their work in general. In the end, group communication's purpose is to achieve consensus to keep everyone on the same page.

The third presentation group discussed Group Leadership and Problem-Solving. This was the group with which I participated. Throughout this chapter, I gained a lot of knowledge. One of the first things I learned. What a leader is. Secondly, what is a leader's role within a team? Thirdly, there are steps to systematic problem-solving. An individual who is a leader is someone who has the responsibility of organizing and leading a group of people to reach a common goal. The function of the leader is to ensure that the members of a group perform tasks effectively and maintain mutual harmony based on their opinions and information.  When team members are given the task of resolving an issue together following a structured set of steps or following a less structured spiral pattern of ideas being discussed, refined, accepted, rejected, modified, and combined while setting them aside in the process. They can then circle back to the previous discussion as the project progresses. The first step to resolving a problem is to identify what the problem is. The group needs to understand exactly what is wrong and what needs to be done to resolve it. The second step involves analyzing the problem. It is important that you get as much information about it as possible. The third step involves deciding which criteria will be used for the evaluation before considering a specific solution. The fourth step of this process requires us to generate a variety of different solutions. In the fifth step, a decision will need to be made after evaluating the pros and cons of each solution, and the sixth step involves the implementation of the solution previously agreed upon and the assessment of whether the solution is an effective one. Even if a solution is unsuccessful, the group should determine at what point it will reevaluate and judge its success. It is typical for a group to communicate its conclusions once it has completed its deliberations. These deliverables of this type may be given in written format, orally, or through internet communication.

There is no doubt that presentation is one of the excellent ways for people to learn. My enjoyment of these presentations came from the fact that they were both informative and entertaining. I learned a lot from them.



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