Suheiry Pineiro

    I enjoyed all of the presentations given on the 13th of May 2022. 
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    I personally have never really liked public speaking; I get very anxious when doing so. However, working as a group and helping each other learn and create the presentation helped tremendously to ease that panic. I feel that as the presentations go on, I will begin to feel less anxious the more that I do them and that will help me in the future when public speaking. Seeing everyone present and the positive feedback from everyone made me feel better about my group’s presentation. 

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    Every group and member did a fantastic job on delivering their message in a fun and creative way to the rest of the class. It was a great way to learn about the chapters in the book as opposed to just reading and making notes. I found that this project helped in getting to know my classmates, especially in the first week of class. I enjoyed their creativity in making their PowerPoints and their use of pictures and knowledge to relay the chapters to the rest of us. I learned a large amount of valuable information that will come in handy in the future. I also learned that that working in a group is of the upmost importance in some cases. 
Working with a group is essential in most cases because they make it more effective and while working together it forms friendships. They also contribute and ensure that everything works out seamlessly and successfully. 
I was able to grasp the concept of the chapters and without having to read them word for word and take notes. 
Easy ways to build up your teamwork and collaboration skills
    The presentations were split into three groups, with the first focusing on intercultural communication. It was a fascinating lecture, and I learned a lot. Intercultural communication is a type of intercommunication that occurs between two individuals from different cultures who are so unlike that interacting with each other may appear impossible. The focus of this chapter is on the cultural aspects of the interaction between culture and communication. Culture has a significant impact on how we perceive the world as well as how we communicate. Culture has been described as a combination of shared values, beliefs, attitudes, and traditions that reflect what people are expected to do by different social groupings. Similarly, communication facilitates the transmission and evolution of culture. In western cultures, for example, a bride's wedding gown is traditionally white as a symbol of purity. Brides in Eastern cultures frequently pick red wedding gowns as a sign of good fortune on their wedding day. All of the rituals we perform when we marry are founded on culture, and they are passed down through the generations through communication.
    The second presenting group focused on group communication. This talk was both educational and enjoyable. I learned quite a bit about how to communicate successfully in a group and how to be a successful member of a group. Because efficient communication is essential for all groups, regardless of their structure. I believe that group communication is essential for everyone to grasp what is being done and to be on the same page. It is also critical for me to hear from others in the group in order to completely comprehend their perspectives. Even though we differ on occasion, I believe it is critical that we be respectful of one other's viewpoints. In particular, I feel that everyone should be given the opportunity to speak and be heard. I also learned about several types of groups, such as family groups, social groups, support groups, interest groups, service groups, work groups and teams, virtual groups, and medicated communication and virtual groups, during this talk. I'm a member of a number of formal and informal groups. A group's norms are extremely essential to all of its members. These norms, which include both formal and informal rules, determine how individuals communicate and interact with one another. Members can establish what their responsibilities are by following these regulations. I believe that learning about certain characteristics of healthy teams is definitely worth your effort. A healthy group is made up of people who have the same goal in mind. If the activities of one or two group members cause the group to stray from its mission or fail to meet its goals. The acts of one or two members of a group can have a significant impact on the entire group. Healthy groups also have a strong sense of unity. Individual members of cohesive teams are more likely to feel satisfied with themselves and their work as a whole. Finally, the goal of group communication is to come to agreement so that everyone is on the same page.
    Group Leadership and Problem-Solving were the concerns of the third presenting group. This was the group that I was a part of. This chapter provided me with a wealth of information. One of the first lessons I received. What is a leader? Second, what is the role of a team leader? Finally, there are approaches to solve problems in a systematic manner. A leader is someone who is in charge of organizing and leading a group of people in order to achieve a common goal. The leader's job is to make sure that the members of a group do their jobs well and maintain mutual harmony based on their ideas and information. When a group of people is assigned the responsibility of addressing an issue using a defined set of stages or a less organized spiral pattern of ideas being discussed, refined, accepted, rejected, amended, and integrated while setting them aside in the process. As the project proceeds, they can return to the earlier debate. The first step in solving a problem is to figure out what it is. The group must comprehend precisely what is wrong and what must be done to correct it. The second phase entails a thorough examination of the issue. It is critical that you get as much information as possible about it. Before contemplating a specific solution, the third phase entails choosing which criteria will be utilized for the evaluation. We must develop a number of possible solutions in the fourth step of this process. After weighing the benefits and drawbacks of each option, a decision must be taken in the fifth stage, and the sixth step involves putting the previously agreed-upon solution into action and determining whether it is effective. Even if a solution fails, the group should define when it will reevaluate and evaluate its success. Once a group has completed its deliberations, it is common for them to share their conclusions. This type of deliverable can be presented in printed form, orally, or via online connection.


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