Victoria Perez


All these topics that were discussed, debated and exposed covering Intercultural Communication, Problem Solving, Group Leadership and Group Communication, all have a direct relationship based on communication and treatment, social behaviors, values and tools that help us to be part of a well-formed and structured society in order to better understand and learn about different people and cultures, and entering the topic of intercultural communication, I think it is something fundamental and it is important to instill and teach about this topic and the importance of it. We know that in the world there is a variety of cultures, races, beliefs, principles, religions, languages, among many other things that make us very different, however, the intercultural communication is the one that helps us to facilitate the process of understanding and rapprochement between people of different cultures always treated with respect and tolerance, without space for prejudice and stereotypes. Of course this does not mean that it is an easy process, we could notice that culture shock can be a challenge and even an obstacle to carry out an effective communication between different cultures, not feeling completely comfortable with so many differences and probably extreme differences of opinions as well, however the best way to solve this specific issue is always to treat it from tolerance as a fundamental value; learning to handle these situations, to be informed beforehand about other cultures that one could get to know and communicate is a good option when putting into practice such intercultural communication. 

Now as far as group communication is concerned, it refers to the formation of various social groups, etc. it is the basis of communication, because although it is true that there are one-to-one relationships, mostly groups predominate and this is where the communication tools and the types of existing groups come in, in which we can find a great variety, healthy groups, support groups, work groups, service groups, etc. Which each one specializes in a different area, with different rules and modalities as well. Knowing different types of social groups and even approaching or belonging to them brings teaching, character building and also more communication tools. They also teach us how to behave in society and within the same social groups to which we belong. For example, the family group is the first social group to which we should belong because it is the structure where we are taught the basics of life. However, the ideal is a correct teaching, instilling values, teaching the rules of a society to become good people, a functional family environment acts as our base of growth and teaching. I believe that without these groups we would not have a sense of belonging within the environment that surrounds us, we could not have clear concepts such as standards, behaviors, principles, ethics, morality, among other key characteristics for a better development as a correct person. But going back to the different social groups and the communication they impart; we find that within healthy groups communication is through previously scheduled meetings and based on rules that help a successful collaboration and evolution of the group plus a communication between members. Support groups are based on healthy communication through a safe environment where people can express their problems and receive joint support from the group which I would say has a very high importance in society because it is also based on group therapy, which for the most part is quite effective. As an example of the above, the Alcoholic Anonymous support group. Service groups is one that focuses on helping the community and its greatest strength is teamwork which also requires excellent communication between members, a sense of group work as a unit and the best and healthiest of environments, service groups also encourages a lot of values of help and dedication and ending with the work groups are those that are intended to focus on meeting one or more specific goals and are usually challenging and is characterized by handling with rules, focus and security of the role to be developed by each member.

However, conflicts are present within social groups. Where problem solving has to be put into practice. Which is fundamental in the whole process that refers to manage social groups. Whenever these conflicts are present, actions are taken following the previously analyzed steps that include, step one identifies and define which consists of communicating with the members of the group so that all of them evaluate what could be the problem, its veracity, if it is moral or correct or fair. Followed by step two which is the analysis of the problem itself. This is identifying possible causes and discussing the questions that need to be answered. Step three determine criteria for judging solutions which is to have criteria for the whole group to come up with a solution accepted by all or without a clear criteria the members may argue for their preferred solution. Moving on to step four which is generate a host of solutions, here we have a moment where we can implement brainstorming in all its splendor to come up with one or several solutions, it also leads to create a healthy environment of competition and stimulating communication that can come up with the solution as well. Followed by step five which is the evaluation of the different solutions which is where you try in an objective way what could be the best solution to finally proceed to decide. Finally step six which consists of implementing the agreed-upon solution and assess it which is nothing more than making recommendations on how the solution can be implemented. Concluding with the Solving Problems Method this is a mandatory and daily part in what social groups are about, there will always be problems and approaches that need to be solved is part of the development of the group and also another way of communication. Thanks to these methods is that we can solve problems in a structured, disciplined and disciplined way and also give rise to possible new external ideas.

Last but not least we have group leadership which is not only the designated leader of a group alone, but also the form of communication and role that can play any member of the group, even all to achieve synergy as well explained. Also the leader or leaders are in charge of distributing the different tasks for each member in a way that everyone accepts and is satisfied. A social group without one or more leaders does not have sufficient basis to stand, the leader is in charge of solving internal problems between members of the group, is the one who with prior consultation of his peers makes certain decisions, also has to inspire and encourage input from all members. The leader also acts as a guide and the one who clarifies possible doubts.

In conclusion, these topics that we have reviewed are key to the functioning of people in society, it is important that they also serve as instructions or manuals when handling all these concepts and types of communication and groups. It also highlights the good behavior, ethics and morals when acting and values also come to light, society is like a large machine composed of millions of gears and it is the duty of each one as a single gear to do things according to the overall functioning, that is, a good member of a group or society that does everything according, helps the overall functioning and that everything goes according to how it should be.



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