
Showing posts from May, 2022

Suheiry Pineiro

     I enjoyed all of the presentations given on the 13th of May 2022.        I personally have never really liked public speaking; I get very anxious when doing so. However, working as a group and helping each other learn and create the presentation helped tremendously to ease that panic. I feel that as the presentations go on, I will begin to feel less anxious the more that I do them and that will help me in the future when public speaking. Seeing everyone present and the positive feedback from everyone made me feel better about my group’s presentation.       Every group and member did a fantastic job  on delivering their message in a fun and creative way to the rest of the class. It was a great way to learn about the chapters in the book as opposed to just reading and making notes. I found that this project helped in getting to know my classmates, especially in the first week of class. I enjoyed their creativity in making their PowerPoints and their use of pictures and knowledge to

Benjamin Mendez

I can’t think of a better way to start the semester than this, I was not sure of what to expect about this Speech 1017 class, but this project was definitely a learning experience and I believe it has made us understand this class better. With these presentations we have all learned about teamwork leadership, and to communicate with others; each presentation had its unique style, but I think both presentations were great, each group worked professionally and put the effort to have neat documents, accurate information, and overall, a great presentation. To begin with, I think Group 1 was awesome; the first thing I noticed about the presentation was how colorful it was, it also used a good number of images, videos, and GIFs which made it more interactive and appealing, the topic of the presentation was about “communicating in groups” and I think each member gathered very good and reliable information. Each member of the group did a great job presenting, I feel they were ready and that th

Oriana Dos Santos

Oriana Dos Santos  Professor  Sinkoff SPC 1017 MWF 8 AM  23 May. 2022 Blog     Communication and problem solving are skills that we use in our day-to-day life, for example, when we do not understand a task. Personally, I use communication when talking with my family, coworkers, and friends about my day or about a specific topic. I also use problem solving when doing my homework and at work. For example, a few days ago a lady wanted to pay with her card that she did not have a chip or swap. To solve the problem, I decided to use the option to write the card data manually.      Group one presented on Intercultural Communication. Culture is the ideas, traditions, and customs of a people. The culture may be different in its beliefs, attitudes, and values. Although that does not mean that you can have similarities or get to communicate well with other cultures. In my experience, you can feel identified with other cultures because of their traditions or festivities. An example of this is my

Sherlley Francois

  Sherlley Francois I really enjoyed the presentations. I think presentation is one of the best ways to learn,  it is  a learning experience for me as a participant to learn from the presenters and other participants. Moreover, I gain knowledge about new topics and encounter different perspectives. As a presenter, I share my knowledge and experiences with others. It is also a great challenge for me to give a presentation in front of a group of people, which I find rewarding. This is a wonderful way to improve my public speaking skills. The presentations were divided into three groups, The first presentation group presented on intercultural communication. It was an interesting presentation; I learned a lot about it. The concept of intercultural communication is a form of intercommunication that takes place between two people from different cultures who are so different that it may appear impossible for them to communicate with each other. The purpose of this chapter focuses on the

Sarah Brodsky

  Since starting MDC online, I have not been doing many oral presentations which made it interesting to have an assignment where I had to present the information rather than simply submitting it. It found it engaging to view a presentations created by my peers. It allowed me to learn and get to know my new classmates. While following along to my classmates presentations, I enjoyed seeing how they presented the coursework from the textbook  and presented in their own ways with their slides and visuals. It was interesting to see how team member worked together to create their presentations as a whole. Also having done the same project, I had further respect for my peers in the other groups because I knew the time and effort that they put in to their project.  For my groups presentation, I felt nervous before presenting. However afterwards I felt proud that I was able to speak well and present the work I had.  Group projects can be a little scary add some points as they are usually

Nadia Alfaro

  From my point of view, each group makes a fantastic presentation, because each member puts their effort, dedication, work, and time. But it is also worth thanking each group leader, because they are the ones who have the hard work of coordinating, directing and, above all, ensuring that there is good communication in each group, which is not easy, so they deserve thanks. I can also say that it is not easy to present something nervously, but the good thing about these jobs is that they help us develop and prepare for future experiences, such as leading a meeting, making a public demonstration, giving a speech, etc. But the most important thing is to put interest in it, because when we like what we do we tend to investigate better and when we present that is reflected in our behavior when speaking and makes the audience enjoy it more. So shortly in the next paragraph I will share what was a great experience for me in my group presentation and I will share my point of view on the other

Victoria Perez

    BLOG           All these topics that were discussed, debated and exposed covering Intercultural Communication, Problem Solving, Group Leadership and Group Communication, all have a direct relationship based on communication and treatment, social behaviors, values and tools that help us to be part of a well-formed and structured society in order to better understand and learn about different people and cultures, and entering the topic of intercultural communication, I think it is something fundamental and it is important to instill and teach about this topic and the importance of it. We know that in the world there is a variety of cultures, races, beliefs, principles, religions, languages, among many other things that make us very different, however, the intercultural communication is the one that helps us to facilitate the process of understanding and rapprochement between people of different cultures always treated with respect and tolerance, without space for prejudice and stere